WATERTOWN, SD -- NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association officially released an updated NATE Radio Frequency (RF) Awareness Booklet.
The updated NATE RF Awareness Booklet is a comprehensive document providing an overview of Radio Frequency / Electromagnetic Energy, its effects, the hazards associated with overexposure, hazard mitigation, and basic antenna identification.
This handbook includes information on energized structures, broadcast, wireless and small cell antennas. The NATE Safety & Education Committee worked diligently to produce an easy-to-understand document that can be used in the field or by someone outside of the industry seeking a better understanding of RF energy.
The document is designed to augment RF safety documentation by providing a quick-reference resource to supplement conventional RF Awareness Training. It does not, however, replace conventional RF Awareness Training. Employers are encouraged to consult established authorized sources to ensure complete RF Awareness Training.
“On behalf of the NATE Safety & Education Committee, we are excited to release this updated RF Awareness Booklet as a reference resource for employers and employees in the communications infrastructure industry,” said Dominique Valdez, Chairwoman of the Safety & Education Committee.
For more information on NATE, visit www.natehome.com.